Definition of flatter


nịnh nọt


The word "flatter" derives from the Middle English word "flateren," which meant "to praise excessively" or "to compliment insincerely." The origins of this word can be traced back to the Old French "flatrer," which itself was derived from the Latin "flatuere," which meant "blown" or "inflated." This term, which originally referred to someone who was overly praiseworthy or excessive in their compliments, likely evolved from the Latin meaning of "flatuere" due to the concept of being filled with hot air or excessive wind, or, as it would be phrased in Middle English, being filled with "inflated praise" or "blown compliments." In other words, the process by which one's puffery is injected into the air, as if when blowing into a balloon, led to the evolution of the meaning behind "flatter" as we know it today. In fact, the Modern English term "windbag" is derived from the Old English term "wendbah," which could be interpreted as a "spinning stomacher," and was used to refer to someone who was filled with hot air, or, in contemporary terms, an "inflated ego." So when someone states something excessively positive, especially when insincere, and goes above and beyond the normal bounds of politeness or social nicety, we can trace that behavior back to the airy distortions of Old French and Latin, and the metaphorical assignation of descriptions based on wind and blowing.


to say nice things about somebody, often in a way that is not sincere, because you want them to do something for you or you want to please them

nói những điều tốt đẹp về ai đó, thường theo cách không chân thành, bởi vì bạn muốn họ làm điều gì đó cho bạn hoặc bạn muốn làm hài lòng họ

  • Are you trying to flatter me?

    Bạn đang cố gắng tâng bốc tôi phải không?

to choose to believe something good about yourself and your abilities, especially when other people do not share this opinion

chọn tin vào điều gì đó tốt đẹp về bản thân và khả năng của bạn, đặc biệt khi những người khác không chia sẻ quan điểm này

  • ‘How will you manage without me?’ ‘Don't flatter yourself.’

    ‘Làm thế nào bạn có thể xoay sở nếu không có tôi?’ ‘Đừng tự tâng bốc mình.’

to make somebody look attractive; to make somebody seem more attractive or better than they really are

làm cho ai đó trông hấp dẫn; làm cho ai đó có vẻ hấp dẫn hơn hoặc tốt hơn thực tế của họ

  • That colour doesn't flatter many people.

    Màu sắc đó không làm hài lòng nhiều người.

  • The scoreline flattered England (= they did not deserve to get such a high score).

    Tỷ số đã tâng bốc nước Anh (= họ không xứng đáng nhận được điểm cao như vậy).

  • He agreed to do the interview because it flattered his ego (= made him feel important).

    Anh ấy đồng ý thực hiện cuộc phỏng vấn vì nó tôn lên cái tôi của anh ấy (= khiến anh ấy cảm thấy quan trọng).

Related words and phrases


be/feel flattered
to be pleased because somebody has made you feel important or special
  • He was flattered by her attention.
  • I felt flattered at being asked to give a lecture.
  • She was flattered to hear that he had been asking about her.
  • I suppose we should be flattered that he agreed to come at all.
  • flatter to deceive
    (British English)if something flatters to deceive, it appears to be better, more successful, etc. than it really is
  • As with many new bands, their early success flattered to deceive.