Definition of fishery


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The word "fishery" originates from the Old English word "fiscērie," which itself comes from the Latin word "piscāria." "Piscāria" refers to a place where fish are caught, essentially a "fishing place." The word evolved over time, with "fiscērie" gradually transitioning to "fishery." Its usage broadened to encompass not just the physical location but also the industry and activity of catching and selling fish.


a part of the sea or a river where fish are caught in large quantities

một phần của biển hoặc sông nơi cá được đánh bắt với số lượng lớn

  • a herring fishery

    nghề cá trích

  • coastal/freshwater fisheries

    nghề cá ven biển/nước ngọt

a place where fish are bred (= kept in order to produce young) as a business

một nơi nuôi cá (= nuôi để sinh con) như một doanh nghiệp

  • a trout fishery

    nghề đánh bắt cá hồi

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