Definition of fillet




The word "fillet" originated in Old French, where it was spelled "filet" and pronounced "feel-ay." It initially referred to a narrow strip of fabric used to bind or trim clothing. This sense of the word can still be seen in the use of "fillet," or a narrow strip of material, to hold two pieces of fabric together when sewing. However, the meaning of "fillet" evolved over time. By the 14th century, "fillet" also referred to the thin strip of meat or flesh that was removed from bones or other parts of an animal, as well as to the cutting of meat into such a strip. This sense of the word is still in use today and is commonly used to describe fish fillets, such as the boneless strips of white fish often served in restaurants. In summary, the word "fillet" originated in Old French with a different meaning and has since evolved to refer to a narrow strip of material used for binding or trimming, as well as the thin strip of meat or flesh removed from bones or other parts of an animal. This intriguing etymology highlights how words can evolve and take on new meanings over time.

  • The chef carefully filleted the fresh salmon before grilling it to perfection.

    Đầu bếp cẩn thận lọc phi lê cá hồi tươi trước khi nướng đến độ hoàn hảo.

  • I prefer filleted sea bass because it's easier to eat and has less bones.

    Tôi thích cá mú phi lê vì nó dễ ăn và ít xương.

  • The fillets of tilapia were seasoned and then pan-fried until they were crispy on the outside and tender on the inside.

    Phi lê cá rô phi được tẩm ướp gia vị rồi áp chảo cho đến khi giòn ở bên ngoài và mềm ở bên trong.

  • We buy fillets of cod for our fish and chips because they cook evenly and have fewer bones.

    Chúng tôi mua phi lê cá tuyết để làm món cá và khoai tây chiên vì chúng chín đều và ít xương.

  • When the waiter asked how I wanted my steak prepared, I asked for a fillet, cooked medium-rare.

    Khi người phục vụ hỏi tôi muốn chế biến món bít tết như thế nào, tôi yêu cầu một miếng phi lê nấu chín vừa tái.

  • To prepare the fillets of halibut, we brushed them with olive oil and grilled them for just a few minutes on each side.

    Để chế biến phi lê cá bơn, chúng tôi phết dầu ô liu lên chúng và nướng mỗi mặt trong vài phút.

  • We like to serve baked salmon fillets with a side of asparagus and rice pilaf.

    Chúng tôi thích dùng phi lê cá hồi nướng kèm với măng tây và cơm thập cẩm.

  • The fillets of catfish were coated in cornmeal and then fried until they had a crispy exterior.

    Phi lê cá trê được phủ một lớp bột ngô rồi chiên cho đến khi có lớp vỏ ngoài giòn.

  • We prefer fillets of snapper because they're mild in flavor and flake easily.

    Chúng tôi thích phi lê cá hồng vì chúng có hương vị nhẹ và dễ tách lớp.

  • The fillets of trout were stuffed with lemon and herbs before being baked in the oven.

    Phi lê cá hồi được nhồi chanh và thảo mộc trước khi nướng trong lò.

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