Definition of fiction


viễn tưởng


The word "fiction" originated in the Middle Ages, during the 14th century, from the Latin word "fictio," which means "something formed" or "something made." Its roots can be traced back to the Latin verb "fingere," which means "to shape" or "to form." In its original form, the word "fiction" referred to a literary work that was not a factual account of real events, but rather a work of imagination. It did not have a negative connotation and was not associated with lies or deception. As literature evolved, the meaning of "fiction" broadened to include any literary work that was not based on real events. This definition is still widely used today, and "fiction" is now a widely recognized literary genre that encompasses novels, short stories, and other works of imaginative storytelling. While "fiction" hasnegative connotations for some people, as it is sometimes associated with lies or deception, the truth is that works of fiction serve a valuable purpose in society, providing insight into the human experience, allowing readers to escape from the everyday, and encouraging empathy and understanding. In short, "fiction" is a term that comes from the Latin word "fictio," which means "something formed" or "something made," and refers to a literary work that is not based on real events but rather the product of the author's imagination. While it has sometimes been associated with negative connotations, the true value of fiction lies in its ability to provide insight, entertain, and encourage empathy and understanding.


a type of literature that describes imaginary people and events, not real ones

một loại văn học mô tả những người và sự kiện tưởng tượng, không có thật

  • a work of popular fiction

    một tác phẩm hư cấu nổi tiếng

  • historical/romantic/crime fiction

    tiểu thuyết lịch sử/lãng mạn/tội phạm

  • to write/read fiction

    viết/đọc tiểu thuyết

  • a crime fiction writer

    một nhà văn tiểu thuyết tội phạm

Extra examples:
  • She has written novels and short fiction.

    Cô ấy đã viết tiểu thuyết và tiểu thuyết ngắn.

  • a well-known writer of crime fiction

    một nhà văn viết tiểu thuyết tội phạm nổi tiếng

  • She has written over 20 works of fiction.

    Cô đã viết hơn 20 tác phẩm hư cấu.

a thing that is invented or imagined and is not true

một điều được phát minh hoặc tưởng tượng và không đúng sự thật

  • Don't believe what she says—it's pure fiction!

    Đừng tin những gì cô ấy nói—đó chỉ là hư cấu!

  • For years he managed to keep up the fiction that he was not married.

    Trong nhiều năm, anh ấy đã cố gắng duy trì sự hư cấu rằng mình chưa kết hôn.

Extra examples:
  • She still tries to maintain the fiction that she is happily married.

    Cô vẫn cố gắng duy trì ảo tưởng rằng mình đang có một cuộc hôn nhân hạnh phúc.

  • Fact and fiction became all jumbled up in his report of the robbery.

    Sự thật và hư cấu đều trở nên lộn xộn trong báo cáo của anh ta về vụ cướp.


truth is stranger than fiction
(saying)used to say that things that actually happen are often more surprising than stories that are invented