Definition of fertilize


Bón phân


"Fertilize" has roots in the Latin word "fertilis," meaning "fruitful" or "productive." It entered English in the 16th century, initially referring to the act of making land fertile for crops. The concept of "fertilizing" expanded to include the process of enabling reproduction in plants and animals. The "fer-" prefix comes from the Latin word "ferre," meaning "to bear" or "to carry," reflecting the idea of producing offspring. The "-ize" suffix denotes "to make" or "to cause to be," emphasizing the transformative nature of fertilization.


to put pollen into a plant so that a seed develops; to join sperm with an egg so that a baby or young animal develops

đưa phấn hoa vào cây để hạt giống phát triển; kết hợp tinh trùng với trứng để em bé hoặc động vật trẻ phát triển

  • Flowers are often fertilized by bees as they gather nectar.

    Hoa thường được ong thụ tinh khi chúng thu thập mật hoa.

  • a fertilized egg

    một quả trứng được thụ tinh

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