Definition of fertilization


thụ tinh


The word "fertilization" has its origins in the Latin words "fertilis," meaning "productive" or "fruitful," and the suffix "-ation," which forms a noun indicating a process or action. The term was first used in the 17th century to describe the process of providing nutrients to soil to promote the growth of plants. In the context of biology, the term "fertilization" was later used to describe the process by which an egg cell (ovum) is penetrated by a sperm cell, leading to the formation of a fertilized egg or zygote. This process is typically initiated by the fusion of the cell membranes of the sperm and egg cells, followed by the fusion of the genetic material from each cell. Overall, the concept of fertilization has been studied extensively in various fields, including agriculture, botany, microbiology, and medicine, and continues to be an important area of research and discovery.


the process of fertilizing a plant or egg; the process of a plant or egg becoming fertilized

quá trình thụ tinh cho cây hoặc trứng; quá trình cây hoặc trứng được thụ tinh

  • Immediately after fertilization, the cells of the egg divide.

    Ngay sau khi thụ tinh, các tế bào trứng phân chia.

the act of adding a substance to soil to make plants grow more successfully

hành động thêm một chất vào đất để cây phát triển tốt hơn

  • the fertilization of soil with artificial chemicals

    bón phân cho đất bằng hóa chất nhân tạo

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