Definition of favourite


được ưa thích, người (vật) được ưa thích


Definition of undefined

The word "favourite" originates from the Old French word "favour", meaning "pleasure" or "gratitude". This term was borrowed into Middle English as "favowrite", which referred to someone who enjoyed a person's good will or special affection. Over time, the spelling evolved to "favourite", and the meaning expanded to include a person or thing that is held in highest esteem or preference. In the 15th century, the term became associated with the concept of "favour" as a monarch's special kindness or indulgence, as in "favourite courtier" or "favourite son". This sense of royal favour has been influential in shaping the modern English usage of "favourite", which can refer to anything that receives exceptional attention or preference. Despite its complex history, the word "favourite" has remained a common and versatile term in the English language.


to show that you like something that somebody has put on a social media site

để thể hiện rằng bạn thích thứ gì đó mà ai đó đã đưa lên một trang truyền thông xã hội

  • It wasn't long until their original post was favourited over 1  200 times.

    Không lâu sau, bài viết gốc của họ đã được yêu thích hơn 1  200 lần.

to save the address of a website or other online data so that you can easily find it again

để lưu địa chỉ của một trang web hoặc dữ liệu trực tuyến khác để bạn có thể dễ dàng tìm lại nó

  • The ‘Favourites’ tab lets you access places you've favourited.

    Tab ‘Yêu thích’ cho phép bạn truy cập những địa điểm bạn đã yêu thích.