Definition of fascist


phát xít


The word "fascist" originated from the Italian fasci, which means "bundles" or "fascines." In the early 20th century, Italian dictator Benito Mussolini founded the Fasci di Combattimento, a militant fascist party that was formed from the remnants of the Italian socialist movement. The term "fascist" was coined in 1919, and it was originally used to describe the radical right-wing ideology and tactics of Mussolini's party. Over time, the term evolved to describe other authoritarian and nationalist movements that emerged in Europe during the interwar period. The word "fascist" is often associated with authoritarianism, racism, and militarism, and is used to describe political movements and ideologies that are characterized by a strong centralized power, suppression of individual rights, and a belief in the superiority of a particular group or nation.


practising or supporting fascism

thực hành hoặc ủng hộ chủ nghĩa phát xít

  • a fascist state

    một nhà nước phát xít

  • fascist sympathies

    cảm tình với phát xít

an offensive way to describe somebody that you think is bad because they have right-wing attitudes

một cách xúc phạm để mô tả ai đó mà bạn nghĩ là xấu vì họ có thái độ cánh hữu

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