Definition of fallen




The word "fallen" traces its roots back to the Old English word "feallen," meaning "to fall." This word, in turn, came from the Proto-Germanic word "fallan," which shares a common ancestor with the Latin "fallere," meaning "to deceive." While "fallere" seems unrelated at first, it emphasizes the idea of a descent, often associated with a loss of position or status, which aligns with the modern meaning of "fallen." Thus, the word "fallen" carries a sense of decline, deterioration, or loss, stemming from the act of falling itself.


lying on the ground, after falling

nằm trên mặt đất, sau khi ngã

  • a fallen tree

    một cái cây đổ

killed in a war

bị giết trong một cuộc chiến

  • Each year on the anniversary of the battle he remembered his fallen comrades.

    Hàng năm, vào ngày kỷ niệm trận chiến, ông tưởng nhớ những đồng đội đã hy sinh.

  • They had to issue death announcements to the families of fallen soldiers.

    Họ phải đưa ra thông báo tử vong cho gia đình các liệt sĩ.

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