Definition of fakir


thầy tu


The word "fakir" originates from the Urdu and Punjabi language spoken in South Asia, specifically in the Indian subcontinent and the neighboring regions that are now part of Pakistan and Afghanistan. It is also spelled as "faqir" in various transliterated forms in English. The term "fakir" has its roots in the Arabic language, where it means "poor" or "needy". It was adopted into Urdu and Persian during the medieval period as a religious and spiritual term. Fakirs were originally ascetic Muslims who renounced worldly possessions and devoted themselves to worshiping and serving God. They did not charge for their spiritual guidance or services, and subsisted by begging or cultivating the land themselves. In Sufi Islam, a branch of Islamic mysticism, fakirs are revered as spiritual guides or teachers. They emphasize the importance of inner purity, humility, and introspection, as opposed to strict adherence to external religious rituals and ceremonies. Some fakirs also practice folkAH religion, which combines elements of Sufism, Hinduism, and Buddhism, and is syncretic in nature. The word "fakir" has also gained broader cultural significance beyond its religious context, particularly in South India, where it is used as a generic term for ordinary people, especially those who rely on agriculture or other manual labor for their livelihood. In this context, "fakir" doesn't necessarily connote religious connotation, but rather denotes humility, simplicity, and a lack of material possessions. In conclusion, the word "fakir" originated from the Arabic word for "poor" and has been adopted into Urdu and Persian with the meaning of "poor", "needy" or "spiritual guide". Its religious and cultural connotations have evolved over time, and it is now used as a term for renunciate mystics, ordinary people, and a linguistic constriction in various South Asian dialects.

  • The fakir sat cross-legged on the street corner with his arms stretched out, meditating in silence.

    Vị fakir ngồi xếp bằng ở góc phố, hai tay dang rộng, im lặng thiền định.

  • The group of fakirs gathered in the temple courtyard for a night of prayer and contemplation.

    Nhóm fakir tụ tập tại sân đền để cầu nguyện và suy ngẫm suốt đêm.

  • The fakir's austere lifestyle was a testament to his dedication to spirituality.

    Lối sống khắc khổ của vị fakir là minh chứng cho sự cống hiến của ông cho tâm linh.

  • The fakir's disciples followed his teachings with devotion and reverence.

    Các đệ tử của fakir tuân theo lời dạy của ông với lòng sùng kính và tôn kính.

  • The fakir's eyes were closed as he chanted mantras, lost in the rhythm of his prayers.

    Đôi mắt của vị fakir nhắm lại khi ông tụng kinh, đắm chìm vào nhịp điệu cầu nguyện.

  • The fakir's peaceful demeanor was a welcome contrast to the chaos of the city around him.

    Thái độ thanh thản của vị fakir là sự tương phản thú vị với sự hỗn loạn của thành phố xung quanh ông.

  • The fakir's life was a journey of self-discovery, guided by the wisdom of ancient texts.

    Cuộc đời của fakir là một hành trình tự khám phá bản thân, được hướng dẫn bởi trí tuệ của các văn bản cổ xưa.

  • The fakir smiled at his students, imparting the secret of inner peace with a simple gesture.

    Vị fakir mỉm cười với học trò của mình, truyền đạt bí quyết của sự bình yên nội tâm chỉ bằng một cử chỉ đơn giản.

  • The fakir's spiritual powers were a source of wonder and respect for all who knew him.

    Sức mạnh tâm linh của vị fakir khiến tất cả những ai biết ông đều ngạc nhiên và kính trọng.

  • The fakir's teachings advocated self-discipline, compassion, and humility, inspiring a life of purpose and wisdom.

    Lời dạy của fakir ủng hộ tính tự giác, lòng trắc ẩn và sự khiêm nhường, truyền cảm hứng cho một cuộc sống có mục đích và trí tuệ.

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