Definition of faction


phe phái


The word "faction" originated in the 16th century, derived from the Latin word "factio" which means a group of people united by a common objective or cause. In medieval Europe, factions were commonly known as "parties" or "factious people," and they would often emerge within political or religious groups. These factions could be formed for various reasons, such as personal ambition, ideological disagreements, or the pursuit of power. The use of the term "faction" in a more modern and political context traces back to the English Civil War of the 17th century. During this time, factions within the Parliament and the army wielded significant influence over the course of events. The term "faction" was then applied to denote a group of individuals with conflicting interests or aims within a larger organization. In contemporary usage, "faction" is often used as a negative term, implying a group that is disruptive, divisive, or acting against the unity and principles of an organization or society as a whole. However, factions can also be seen as a natural and functional aspect of many complex social systems, where dissenting perspectives and competition for resources or power are inevitable.


a small group of people within a larger one, whose members have some different aims and beliefs to those of the larger group

một nhóm nhỏ trong một nhóm lớn hơn, trong đó các thành viên có một số mục tiêu và niềm tin khác với nhóm lớn hơn

  • There are rival factions within the administration.

    Có những phe phái đối địch trong chính quyền.

Extra examples:
  • He brokered a ceasefire agreement between the warring factions.

    Ông làm trung gian cho một thỏa thuận ngừng bắn giữa các phe tham chiến.

  • the dominant faction within the government

    phe phái chiếm ưu thế trong chính phủ

  • the largest faction in the civil war

    phe lớn nhất trong cuộc nội chiến

opposition, disagreement, etc. that exists between small groups of people within an organization or political party

sự phản đối, bất đồng, v.v. tồn tại giữa các nhóm nhỏ người trong một tổ chức hoặc đảng chính trị

  • a party divided by faction and intrigue

    một đảng bị chia rẽ bởi phe phái và âm mưu

films, books, etc. that combine fact with fiction (= imaginary events)

phim, sách, v.v. kết hợp sự thật với hư cấu (= sự kiện tưởng tượng)