Definition of exhaustion


kiệt sức


The word "exhaustion" has its roots in Latin. It comes from the verb "exhaustus", which means "to drain" or "to use up". This Latin verb is derived from "ex" meaning "out" or "from" and "haustus" meaning "having been poured out". This refers to the idea of something being drained or depleted of its energy or resources. The Latin verb "exhaustus" entered Middle English as "exhaust", and its noun form "exhaustion" emerged in the 15th century. Initially, it referred to the state of being drained or depleted, often physically or mentally. Over time, the term expanded to include emotional and psychological exhaustion, as well as exhaustion resulting from prolonged physical activity. Today, "exhaustion" is widely used to describe feelings of complete physical or mental depletion, often accompanied by fatigue, lethargy, and a general lack of energy.


the state of being very tired

trạng thái rất mệt mỏi

  • suffering from physical/mental/nervous exhaustion

    bị kiệt sức về thể chất/tinh thần/thần kinh

  • Her face was grey with exhaustion.

    Mặt cô xám xịt vì kiệt sức.

Extra examples:
  • He fell silent, with his head bowed in exhaustion.

    Anh im lặng, cúi đầu vì kiệt sức.

  • He was hollow-eyed and seemed very close to exhaustion.

    Anh ta có đôi mắt trống rỗng và dường như sắp kiệt sức.

  • Never had she felt such utter exhaustion.

    Chưa bao giờ cô cảm thấy kiệt sức đến thế.

  • She was taken to hospital suffering from exhaustion.

    Cô được đưa đến bệnh viện trong tình trạng kiệt sức.

  • Suddenly a wave of exhaustion hit him.

    Đột nhiên một làn sóng kiệt sức ập đến với anh.

  • The rowers were nearing exhaustion.

    Những người chèo thuyền gần như kiệt sức.

  • They have been pushed to the brink of exhaustion.

    Họ đã bị đẩy đến bờ vực kiệt sức.

  • Two of the horses collapsed with exhaustion.

    Hai con ngựa kiệt sức gục xuống.

Related words and phrases

the act of using something until it is completely finished

hành động sử dụng một cái gì đó cho đến khi nó hoàn thành

  • the exhaustion of natural resources

    sự cạn kiệt tài nguyên thiên nhiên

Related words and phrases