Definition of erectile


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The word "erectile" originally derived from the Latin word "rectus," meaning "straight" or "upright." In anatomy, the term "erectile" refers to tissue that can become rigid and elongated, such as the corpus cavernosum and corpus spongiosum of the penis in males, and the clitoris in females. These structures become engorged with blood during sexual arousal, leading to an erection. The word "erectile" is commonly associated with male sexual function, but its use is broader in medical terminology to describe any tissue that can become rigid or erect in response to stimuli.

  • After his doctor diagnosed him with erectile dysfunction, John began taking medication to help him achieve and maintain an erection during sexual activity.
  • The questions on the survey related to erectile function, including the frequency and duration of erections.
  • The scientific name for the human penis is "erectile tissue," due to its ability to grow and become rigid in response to sexual arousal.
  • Nitric oxide is a compound produced by the body that leads to the relaxation of muscles in the erectile tissue, allowing for increased blood flow and an erection.
  • The medication prescribed to Tom for his erectile difficulties worked quickly, allowing him to achieve a hard erection within minutes of taking it.
  • Some men experience pain during erection, a condition known as priapism, which requires medical attention to prevent tissue damage.
  • The therapy sessions focused on identifying underlying psychological issues that may be contributing to the patient's erectile difficulties.
  • The drugs used to treat erectile dysfunction are designed to increase blood flow to the erectile tissue, making it easier for men to achieve and maintain an erection.
  • The patient's erection lasts for several hours after the initial sexual stimulation, which is known as persistent erection or priapism.
  • The erectile tissue in women, known as the clitoris, also plays a crucial role in sexual response, including arousal and orgasm.

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