Definition of erase


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The word "erase" comes from the Latin word "ex" (ex), which means "out", and "scribo" (scribo), which means "write". In ancient Rome, the verb form of "scribo" was used to describe the act of writing. In modern English, the word "erase" is used to describe the act of completely removing or obliterating something, especially in relation to written or printed matter. Erasure is often seen as being a way of completely removing or obliterating written or printed matter, especially in relation to mistakes, errors, or unwanted information. In writing and typography studies, the term "erase" is used to describe the act of completely removing or obliterating written or printed matter, especially in relation to mistakes, errors, or unwanted information. This usage is common in many different contexts, from calligraphy and typography to handwriting and cursive writing, where it is used to describe the act of completely removing or obliterating written or printed matter, which is intended to promote written or printed matter accuracy, especially in relation to mistakes, errors, or unwanted information. In computing and information technology, the term "erase" is sometimes used to describe the act of completely removing or obliterating digital data, especially in relation to digital storage devices or digital files. This usage is less common than the more traditional usage, but it is still used in some contexts, particularly in relation to digital storage devices and digital files, where it is used to describe the act of completely removing or obliterating digital data, which is intended to promote digital data accuracy, especially in relation to mistakes, errors, or unwanted information. In all of these contexts, the word "erase" is used to describe the act of completely removing or obliterating written or printed matter, especially in relation to mistakes, errors, or unwanted information, or the act of completely removing or obliterating digital data, especially in relation to digital storage devices or digital files. The verb forms of "ex" and "scribo" are sometimes used to describe the act of completely removing or obliterating written or printed matter, or the act of completely removing or obliterating digital data, in these contexts.


to remove something completely

loại bỏ hoàn toàn cái gì đó

  • She tried to erase the memory of that evening.

    Cô cố xóa đi ký ức về buổi tối hôm đó.

  • All doubts were suddenly erased from his mind.

    Mọi nghi ngờ đột nhiên bị xóa bỏ khỏi tâm trí anh.

  • You cannot erase injustice from the world.

    Bạn không thể xóa bỏ sự bất công khỏi thế giới.

Extra examples:
  • These people have been virtually erased from the history book.

    Những người này gần như đã bị xóa khỏi sử sách.

  • They are determined to erase the bad memories of last year's defeats.

    Họ quyết tâm xóa bỏ những ký ức tồi tệ về trận thua năm ngoái.

  • This event has been effectively erased from written records.

    Sự kiện này đã bị xóa khỏi hồ sơ bằng văn bản một cách hiệu quả.

to make a mark or something you have written disappear, for example by rubbing it, especially in order to correct it

làm cho một dấu vết hoặc một cái gì đó bạn đã viết biến mất, ví dụ như bằng cách chà xát nó, đặc biệt là để sửa nó

  • He had erased the wrong word.

    Anh ấy đã xóa nhầm từ rồi.

  • All the phone numbers had been erased.

    Tất cả số điện thoại đều đã bị xóa.

  • The tide had erased the footprints.

    Thủy triều đã xóa dấu chân.

to remove a recording from a tape or information from a computer’s memory

để xóa bản ghi khỏi băng hoặc thông tin khỏi bộ nhớ máy tính

  • Parts of the recording have been erased.

    Các phần của bản ghi đã bị xóa.

  • He had erased more than 5 000 files from the memory of his computer.

    Anh ta đã xóa hơn 5 000 tập tin khỏi bộ nhớ máy tính của mình.

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