Definition of envy


ghen tỵ


The word "envy" is derived from the Old French word "envie" (meaning "sorrow" or "grief"), which in turn comes from the Latin word "invidus" (meaning "unpleasing" or "displeasing"). The word "envy" first appeared in the Middle English language in the 14th century to describe feelings of sorrow or grief that are caused by a sense of unfulfilled desire or deprivation. In its most basic sense, "envy" refers to feelings of sorrow or grief that are caused by a sense of unfulfilled desire or deprivation, particularly in relation to the possessions, achievements, or qualities of another person. It can also be used to describe the state or condition of experiencing such feelings, particularly in relation to their intensity or duration. In modern English, the word "envy" is often used to describe feelings of sorrow or grief that are caused by a sense of unfulfilled desire or deprivation, particularly in relation to the possessions, achievements, or qualities of another person. This usage is common in many different contexts, from psychology and emotional intelligence to literature and literature criticism, where it is used to describe feelings of sorrow or grief that are caused by a sense of unfulfilled desire or deprivation, particularly in relation to the possessions, achievements, or qualities of another person. In computing and information technology, the term "envy" is sometimes used to describe a situation or circumstance in which a person or system experiences feelings of sorrow or grief that are caused by a sense of unfulfilled desire or deprivation, particularly in relation to its possessions, achievements, or qualities, as part of a larger performance or efficiency analysis. This usage is less common than the more traditional usage, but it is still used in some contexts, particularly in relation to computer networking and communication protocols, where it is used to describe a situation or circumstance in which a person or system experiences feelings of sorrow or grief that are caused by a sense of unfulfilled desire or deprivation, particularly in relation to its possessions, achievements, or qualities, as part of a larger performance or efficiency analysis. In all of these contexts, the word "envy" is used to describe feelings of sorrow or grief that are caused by a sense of unfulfilled desire or deprivation, particularly in relation

  • Mandy couldn't help feeling envious as she watched her friend Emma sip on a gourmet latte at the trendy coffee shop.

    Mandy không khỏi cảm thấy ghen tị khi nhìn cô bạn Emma nhâm nhi một tách cà phê latte hảo hạng tại một quán cà phê thời thượng.

  • Mark envied Jeremy's effortless charm and the way women fell at his feet.

    Mark ghen tị với sự quyến rũ tự nhiên của Jeremy và cách phụ nữ đổ gục dưới chân anh ấy.

  • Sarah was filled with envy as she saw her colleague promoted ahead of her at work.

    Sarah vô cùng ghen tị khi thấy đồng nghiệp của mình được thăng chức trước mình trong công việc.

  • Jack's friend's exotic vacation to the Maldives left Jack wishing he too could be so lucky. Jack was envious.

    Chuyến nghỉ mát xa hoa của người bạn Jack ở Maldives khiến Jack ước mình cũng có thể may mắn như vậy. Jack thấy ghen tị.

  • Lisa envied her sister's natural beauty and wished she could look as good without any effort.

    Lisa ghen tị với vẻ đẹp tự nhiên của chị gái mình và ước mình cũng có thể đẹp như vậy mà không cần phải nỗ lực gì.

  • Eric's envy flared when he saw his cousin's fantastic vacation pictures with their millionaire partner.

    Sự ghen tị của Eric bùng lên khi anh nhìn thấy những bức ảnh nghỉ dưỡng tuyệt vời của anh họ mình với người bạn đời triệu phú.

  • As Jane watched her friend show off their new designer handbag, she couldn't help feeling a pang of envy.

    Khi Jane nhìn người bạn của mình khoe chiếc túi xách hàng hiệu mới, cô không khỏi cảm thấy ghen tị.

  • Leo envied his brother's ability to play the piano beautifully, and he wished that he could learn to play just as well.

    Leo ghen tị với khả năng chơi piano tuyệt vời của anh trai mình và ước gì anh trai mình cũng có thể chơi giỏi như vậy.

  • Betty's envy flared as her workmate finished yet another presentation with flying colors while she struggled.

    Sự ghen tị của Betty bùng lên khi người đồng nghiệp của cô lại hoàn thành một bài thuyết trình xuất sắc trong khi cô phải vật lộn.

  • Mary felt envious when she saw her friend's luxury car, wishing she could afford such a luxurious ride.

    Mary cảm thấy ghen tị khi nhìn thấy chiếc xe sang trọng của bạn mình, ước gì mình cũng có đủ khả năng để đi một chuyến xe sang trọng như vậy.

Related words and phrases


be the envy of somebody/something
to be a person or thing that other people admire and that causes feelings of envy
  • British television is the envy of the world.