Definition of elective


tự chọn


The word "elective" has its roots in Latin. The Latin word "electivus" means "choosing" or "selecting", and it is derived from the verb "electus", which means "to choose" or "to select". This Latin word was used to describe a choice or a decision made by electing or choosing something. The English word "elective" was borrowed from Latin and first appeared in the 15th century. Initially, it referred to a choice or a selection made by voting or election. Over time, the meaning of the word expanded to include not just the act of choosing but also the thing chosen or selected. In medical and educational contexts, an elective course or treatment refers to something that is optional or chosen by the individual, rather than mandatory or required. In modern usage, the word "elective" is often used in contexts such as education, healthcare, and politics, where individuals are given the freedom to make choices and select from a range of options.


using or chosen by election

sử dụng hoặc lựa chọn bằng cách bầu cử

  • an elective democracy

    dân chủ bầu cử

  • an elective assembly

    đại hội bầu cử

  • an elective member

    một thành viên tự chọn

  • He had never held elective office (= a position that is filled by election).

    Ông chưa bao giờ giữ chức vụ bầu cử (= một vị trí được bầu cử).

having the power to elect

có quyền bầu cử

  • an elective body

    cơ quan tự chọn

that you choose to have; that does not require immediate attention

mà bạn chọn để có; điều đó không cần sự chú ý ngay lập tức

  • elective surgery

    Lựa chọn phẫu thuật

  • an elective operation

    một hoạt động tự chọn

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mà học sinh có thể chọn

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