Definition of eight




The origin of the word "eight" can be traced back to the ancient Germanic language, which is the linguistic ancestor of modern-day English, German, and other Germanic languages. The Proto-Germanic word for eight was *ahttā, which is composed of the roots *aht- (meaning "two" or "double") and *tā- (meaning "four"). The Germanic languages that inherited this word include Old English (æhta), Old Frisian (achta), Old High German (achto), Old Saxon (achto), and Old Norse (átt), among others. In modern English, the spelling of "eight" has evolved over time. In Middle English, it was commonly spelled "entieth" or "oht" (from Old English æhta), and in early Modern English, it was spelled "eyght" (which comes from the Old French word huit, also derived from the Proto-Germanic word *ahttā). The prefix "bi-" (meaning "two") can also be added to "eight" to form "sixteen" (bi-æhta, in Old English). Interestingly, the word "octo-" (meaning "eight") is also used in scientific and mathematical contexts, where it refers to things with eight parts or dimensions, such as octopuses, octahedrons, or octaves in music. Other related words include "digit", which comes from the Latin word digitus ("finger"), as our ancient ancestors originally counted by holding up certain numbers of fingers. In many languages, such as French (huit), Italian (otto), and Spanish (ocho), the word for "eight" is related to the Latin word octō ("eight"). Additionally, words for "eight" in some Slavic and Baltic languages, such as Polish (osiem) and Latvian (āts), are also derived from the Proto-Germanic word *ahttā.




  • There are only eight of these rare animals left.

    Chỉ còn lại tám loài động vật quý hiếm này.

  • eight of Sweden’s top financial experts

    tám chuyên gia tài chính hàng đầu của Thụy Điển

  • Ten people were invited but only eight turned up.

    Mười người được mời nhưng chỉ có tám người đến dự.

  • Can you lend me eight dollars?

    Bạn có thể cho tôi vay tám đô la được không?

  • an eight-month contract

    một hợp đồng tám tháng

  • Look at page eight.

    Hãy xem trang tám.

  • Eight and one is nine.

    Tám cộng một bằng chín.

  • Two eights is sixteen.

    Hai tám bằng mười sáu.

  • I can't read your writing—is this meant to be an eight?

    Tôi không thể đọc được chữ bạn viết - đây có phải là số tám không?

  • The bulbs are planted in sixes or eights (= groups of six or eight).

    Củ được trồng thành từng nhóm sáu hoặc tám cây (= nhóm sáu hoặc tám cây).

  • We moved to America when I was eight (= eight years old).

    Chúng tôi chuyển đến Mỹ khi tôi tám tuổi.

  • Shall we meet at eight (= at eight o'clock), then?

    Vậy chúng ta gặp nhau lúc tám giờ nhé?

a team of eight people who row a long narrow boat in races; the boat they row

một đội gồm tám người chèo một chiếc thuyền dài hẹp trong các cuộc đua; chiếc thuyền họ chèo