Definition of earnest


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The word "earnest" has a fascinating history. It comes from Old English "eornost", which means "serious" or "sincere". This word is derived from the Proto-Germanic word "*auriz", which is related to the Proto-Indo-European root "*aus-", meaning "to burn" or "to glow". In Middle English (circa 1100-1500), "earnest" took on a new meaning, referring to a token or pledge, such as a valuable object, handed over to demonstrate good faith in a negotiation or agreement. This sense of the word is still used today, as in "an earnest of good things to come". Over time, the meaning of "earnest" has expanded to include connotations of sincerity, seriousness, and heartfeltness. For example, "an earnest attempt" implies a genuine and sincere effort.


more seriously and with more force or effort than before

nghiêm túc hơn và với nhiều lực lượng hoặc nỗ lực hơn trước

  • The work on the house will begin in earnest on Monday.

    Công việc xây dựng ngôi nhà sẽ bắt đầu một cách nghiêm túc vào thứ Hai.

  • That was when our troubles started in earnest.

    Đó là lúc những rắc rối của chúng tôi bắt đầu một cách nghiêm túc.

very serious and sincere about what you are saying and about your intentions; in a way that shows that you are serious

rất nghiêm túc và chân thành về những gì bạn đang nói và về ý định của bạn; theo cách cho thấy rằng bạn nghiêm túc

  • You may laugh but I'm in deadly earnest.

    Bạn có thể cười nhưng tôi thực sự nghiêm túc.

  • I could tell she spoke in earnest.

    Tôi có thể nói rằng cô ấy đã nói một cách nghiêm túc.

Related words and phrases


in earnest
more seriously and with more force or effort than before
  • The work on the house will begin in earnest on Monday.
  • That was when our troubles started in earnest.
  • very serious and sincere about what you are saying and about your intentions; in a way that shows that you are serious
  • You may laugh but I'm in deadly earnest.
  • I could tell she spoke in earnest.