Definition of each other

each otherpronoun

nhau, lẫn nhau


Definition of undefined

"Each other" is a compound pronoun, formed from the words "each" and "other". "Each" originally referred to a single item in a group, emphasizing individuality. "Other" signified something different or additional. Over time, the two words combined to express a reciprocal relationship, highlighting a mutual action between two individuals or groups. The term evolved to signify a shared action or sentiment between two entities, capturing the essence of interdependence and connection.


used to refer to each member of a group when each does something to or for other members

được sử dụng để chỉ từng thành viên của một nhóm khi mỗi người làm điều gì đó cho hoặc cho các thành viên khác

  • they communicate with each other in French

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