Definition of dynamite


thuốc nổ


The word "dynamite" originated in the late 19th century from the work of Alfred Nobel, a Swedish chemist and engineer. Nobel developed a type of explosive known as "dynamite" in 1866, which was a stabilized form of nitroglycerin that was safer and more manageable to use than its predecessor. The name "dynamite" comes from the Greek word "dunamis," meaning "power" or "force." Nobel named his invention "dynamite" because it represented a powerful and forceful explosive that could be used in various applications, such as blasting rocks for mining and construction. Over time, the term "dynamite" has become synonymous with any type of explosive or energetic device, and is often used metaphorically to describe something that is intense, powerful, or energetic.


a powerful explosive

một chất nổ mạnh

  • a stick of dynamite

    một thanh thuốc nổ

  • They used five tons of dynamite to blow up the rock.

    Họ dùng năm tấn thuốc nổ để làm nổ tung tảng đá.

a thing that is likely to cause a violent reaction or a lot of trouble

một điều có thể gây ra phản ứng dữ dội hoặc nhiều rắc rối

  • The abortion issue is political dynamite.

    Vấn đề phá thai là một vấn đề chính trị bùng nổ.

  • Don’t mention the war—it’s political dynamite.

    Đừng đề cập đến chiến tranh - đó là sự bùng nổ chính trị.

an extremely impressive or exciting person or thing

một người hoặc vật cực kỳ ấn tượng hoặc thú vị

  • Their new album is dynamite.

    Album mới của họ là thuốc nổ.

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