Definition of duo


cặp đôi


The word "duo" originates from the Latin language. In Latin, "duo" means "two". It was used as a noun to refer to a pair or a group of two things, persons, or animals. The word has a rich etymology, tracing back to the Proto-Indo-European root "dwe", which meant "to bind or unite". From Latin, "duo" was borrowed into various languages, including Old French ("du"), Middle English ("deu"), and eventually Modern English. In modern language, a duo can refer to a musical group consisting of two people, a partnership, or simply a group of two. The word "duo" has become a common term in various fields, including music, entertainment, and business.


two people who perform together or are often seen or thought of together

hai người biểu diễn cùng nhau hoặc thường được nhìn thấy hoặc nghĩ đến cùng nhau

  • the comedy duo Laurel and Hardy

    bộ đôi hài kịch Laurel và Hardy

  • the goal-scoring duo of Coates and Winterbotham

    bộ đôi ghi bàn của Coates và Winterbotham

Related words and phrases

a performance by two musicians or singers; a piece of music for two players or singers

buổi biểu diễn của hai nhạc sĩ hoặc ca sĩ; một bản nhạc dành cho hai người chơi hoặc ca sĩ

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