Definition of drop off

drop offphrasal verb

thả xuống


The phrase "drop off" in its current usage refers to a decrease or decrease in intensity or quantity. Its origin can be traced back to the nautical and aviation industries in the early 20th century. In nautical terms, "drop off" initially referred to a sudden and marked increase in depth from a relatively shallow area in the ocean floor. This terminology was later adopted by pilots to describe the sudden loss of altitude due to an unexpected fluctuation in air currents. After being transferred to the air, the use of "drop off" evolved to describe a decrease in something else. For example, in meteorology, it's used to explain a significant drop in temperature, air pressure, or precipitation. In other contexts, the phrase has been extended as a colloquialism to describe a drop-off in demand, sales, or productivity, as well as a decrease in quality, such as the "drop-off" in English fluency for non-native speakers. Overall, the derivation of the expression "drop off" demonstrates how technical terms get assimilated into common English, broadening their meanings and expanding their usage as time passes.


to fall into a light sleep

rơi vào giấc ngủ nhẹ

  • I dropped off and missed the end of the film.

    Tôi đã bỏ lỡ và bỏ lỡ phần cuối của bộ phim.

to become fewer or less

trở nên ít hơn hoặc ít hơn

  • Traffic in the town has dropped off since the bypass opened.

    Giao thông trong thị trấn đã giảm xuống kể từ khi tuyến đường tránh này mở cửa.

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