Definition of droop


rủ xuống


The word "droop" has its origins in Old English and has been in use since the 9th century. It is related to the Proto-Germanic word "*drup" and the Proto-Indo-European root "*dru-", which also meant "to bend" or "to curve". In English, "droop" initially meant "to bend down or hang down" and was often used to describe the movement of plants, such as flowers or leaves, that had wilted or become limp. Over time, the meaning of the word expanded to include descriptions of people or creatures that were slumping or sagging, often due to fatigue, sadness, or weakness. Throughout history, "droop" has been used in various contexts, including literature and poetry, to convey a sense of melancholy or languor. Today, the word is still used to describe the downward movement of objects or the emotional state of humans.


to bend, hang or move downwards, especially because of being weak or tired

uốn cong, treo hoặc di chuyển xuống dưới, đặc biệt là vì yếu hoặc mệt mỏi

  • the drooping branches of the apple tree

    cành cây táo rũ xuống

  • She was so tired, her eyelids were beginning to droop.

    Cô mệt mỏi quá, mí mắt bắt đầu sụp xuống.

  • The plants were drooping from lack of water.

    Cây cối héo rũ vì thiếu nước.

to become sad or depressed

trở nên buồn bã hoặc chán nản

  • Our spirits drooped when we heard the news.

    Tinh thần của chúng tôi sa sút khi nghe tin này.

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