Definition of drizzle


mưa phùn


The word "drizzle" has its roots in Old English and Middle English. The earliest recorded use of the word "drizzle" dates back to the 9th century, when it was spelled "drislian" or "drisil". It was derived from the Old English word "drislian", which roughly translates to "to dribble" or "to trickle". Over time, the spelling and meaning of the word evolved. During the Middle English period (circa 1100-1500), the word "drizzle" emerged as a verb, meaning to scatter or spread something in a thin, scattered manner. It wasn't until the 16th century that the word gained its modern meaning, referring to the act of rainfall in a fine or scattered manner. Today, the word "drizzle" is commonly used to describe the gentle, steady rain that is characteristic of many parts of the world.


when it is drizzling, it is raining lightly

khi trời mưa phùn, mưa nhẹ

  • It was drizzling outside.

    Bên ngoài trời đang mưa phùn.

  • When they left it was beginning to drizzle.

    Khi họ rời đi, trời bắt đầu mưa phùn.

to pour a small amount of liquid over the surface of something

đổ một lượng nhỏ chất lỏng lên bề mặt của một cái gì đó

  • Drizzle the lemon juice over the fish.

    Rưới nước cốt chanh lên cá.

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