Definition of drip


nhỏ giọt


The word "drip" has a fascinating origin! It dates back to the 14th century, when it was used to describe the act of dropping or drizzling something, like liquid. In Middle English, the word came from the Old English words "drīpan" or "drīpan," meaning "to trickle" or "to flow slowly." Initially, "drip" referred to the sound or action of liquids, like water or sap, slowly falling or seeping. Over time, the word expanded its meaning to include other nouns, like tears (e.g., "a drip from her eye") or even a faint, continuous sound (e.g., "the drip of a slow leak"). In the 20th century, the word "drip" took on a new meaning in hip-hop culture, where it referred to a flowing, rhythmic delivery of rhymes. Today, "drip" is used in various contexts, including technology (e.g., water leak compensating devices), fashion (e.g., dripping with style), and even as an adverb (e.g., "I'm dripping with sweat").


to fall in small drops

rơi thành từng giọt nhỏ

  • She was hot and sweat dripped into her eyes.

    Cô nóng bừng và mồ hôi chảy vào mắt.

  • Water was dripping down the walls.

    Nước đang nhỏ giọt xuống các bức tường.

  • The rain came down and dripped off the edges of the car.

    Mưa trút xuống, nhỏ giọt xuống mép xe.

to produce or let fall drops of liquid

để sản xuất hoặc để rơi giọt chất lỏng

  • The tap was dripping.

    Vòi đang nhỏ giọt.

  • Her hair dripped down her back.

    Tóc cô xõa xuống lưng.

  • Her hands were dripping with blood.

    Bàn tay cô đang rỉ máu.

  • Be careful, you're dripping paint everywhere!

    Hãy cẩn thận, bạn đang làm nhỏ sơn khắp nơi!

to contain or hold a lot of something

để chứa hoặc giữ rất nhiều một cái gì đó

  • The trees were dripping with fruit.

    Cây cối đang nhỏ giọt trái cây.

  • His voice dripped sarcasm.

    Giọng nói của anh mang theo vẻ mỉa mai.