Definition of drape




The word "drape" has its roots in Old English and Middle English. The earliest recorded use of the word "drape" dates back to around the 9th century. During this period, the word meant "to hang" or "to suspend." It was often used in the context of clothing, describing the way an item was draped or hung on the body. Over time, the meaning of the word expanded to include other senses, such as the way fabric falls or hangs in a loose, flowing manner. In the 15th century, the word "drape" also took on a more artistic connotation, referring to the way a piece of fabric or a garment was arranged or draped to create a specific effect. Today, the word "drape" is commonly used in both everyday language and in the context of fashion and textiles, to describe the way fabric hangs or is arranged to create a particular look or style.


to hang clothes, materials, etc. loosely on somebody/something

treo quần áo, vật liệu, v.v... một cách lỏng lẻo lên ai/cái gì

  • She had a shawl draped around her shoulders.

    Cô có một chiếc khăn choàng quàng quanh vai.

  • He draped his coat over the back of the chair.

    Anh khoác áo khoác lên lưng ghế.

  • She draped a cover over the old sofa.

    Cô phủ một tấm chăn lên chiếc ghế sofa cũ.

to hang loosely

treo lỏng lẻo

  • Some silk fabrics will drape beautifully.

    Một số loại vải lụa sẽ có độ rủ rất đẹp.

to cover or decorate somebody/something with material

che phủ hoặc trang trí ai/cái gì bằng vật liệu

  • walls draped in ivy

    những bức tường phủ đầy cây thường xuân

  • The body was draped in a blanket.

    Thi thể được quấn trong chăn.

to allow part of your body to rest on something in a relaxed way

cho phép một phần cơ thể của bạn nghỉ ngơi trên một cái gì đó một cách thoải mái

  • His arm was draped casually around her shoulders.

    Cánh tay anh ngẫu nhiên quàng qua vai cô.

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