Definition of drainpipe


cống thoát nước


The word "drainpipe" is a combination of two words: "drain" and "pipe." "Drain" comes from the Old English word "drægan," meaning "to draw." This refers to the pipe's function of drawing away water. "Pipe" originated from the Latin word "pipa," which means "tube." This refers to the cylindrical shape of the structure. The word "drainpipe" first appeared in the early 18th century, reflecting the increasing use of plumbing and drainage systems in homes and cities.


a pipe that carries rainwater from the roof of a building to a drain

một đường ống dẫn nước mưa từ mái nhà đến cống thoát nước

a pipe that carries dirty water or other liquid waste away from a building

một đường ống dẫn nước bẩn hoặc chất thải lỏng khác ra khỏi tòa nhà

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