Definition of dragnet


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The word "dragnet" has its origins in the late 14th century. It comes from the Old French phrase "droite"net, meaning "contrived net" or "entangled net". This refers to a type of net used in fishing, particularly in the medieval period. The net was often laid with intricate patterns and was designed to catch fish that swam into it. Over time, the term "dragnet" took on a new meaning, referring to a police operation where officers use a coordinated effort to round up and capture criminals, often in a specific area. This method of policing was first used in the United States in the early 20th century and was popularized through radio and television shows such as "Dragnet", which aired from 1951 to 1959 and again from 1967 to 1970.


a net that is pulled through water to catch fish, or along the ground to catch animals

một lưới được kéo qua nước để bắt cá, hoặc dọc theo mặt đất để bắt động vật

a careful and complete search, especially for a criminal

một cuộc tìm kiếm cẩn thận và đầy đủ, đặc biệt là đối với tội phạm

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