Definition of dough


bột nhào


The word "dough" as used in the context of baking bread, rolls, or pastries, refers to the mixture of flour, water, yeast, and other ingredients that is kneaded and shaped into a form before baking. The origin of the word "dough" can be traced back to the Middle English duge, which means "mass" or "mixture". This word is derived from the Old Norse dubr, which means "mud" or "mixture". The Old Norse word dubr came to England during the Viking invasions in the 9th century. This loanword subsequently evolved into the Middle English duge, which was initially used to refer to a mixture of various substances, such as mud, soap, or dough. By the 14th century, the term "dough" had become specifically associated with the mixture of ingredients used to make bread, rolls, and pastries. The dough is typically kneaded and shaped before being left to rise, a process called proofing, before being baked in an oven. Over time, the meaning of the word "dough" has expanded beyond just baking to include other substances that are mixed in a similar way, such as pizza dough or Play-Doh. The term "dough" continues to be a ubiquitous word in the vocabulary of cookery and baking, highlighting its enduring popularity and practicality.


a mixture of flour, water, etc. that is made into bread and pastry

hỗn hợp bột mì, nước, v.v. được làm thành bánh mì và bánh ngọt

  • Knead the dough on a floured surface.

    Nhào bột trên bề mặt đã rắc bột mì.

  • Leave the dough to rise.

    Để bột nở.

  • Turn the dough out onto a lightly floured surface.

    Đổ bột ra bề mặt đã rắc một ít bột mì.


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