Definition of disorientate


mất phương hướng


"Disorientate" comes from the Latin word "oriens," meaning "east," and "orient," which referred to the direction of sunrise and, metaphorically, the direction one's life should take. The prefix "dis-" means "not," or "opposite of," so "disorientate" originally meant "to turn away from the east" or "to lose one's bearings." Over time, the meaning shifted to encompass a broader sense of being confused or lost, both physically and mentally.


to make somebody unable to recognize where they are or where they should go

làm cho ai đó không thể nhận ra họ đang ở đâu hoặc nên đi đâu

  • The darkness had disorientated him.

    Bóng tối đã làm anh mất phương hướng.

to make somebody feel confused

làm cho ai đó cảm thấy bối rối

  • Ex-soldiers can be disorientated by the transition to civilian life.

    Cựu binh có thể bị mất phương hướng khi chuyển sang cuộc sống dân sự.

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