Definition of diaphragm


cơ hoành


The word "diaphragm" comes from the Greek words "dia" meaning "through" or "across" and "phragma" meaning "a stopping." In ancient Greek, the word "diafragma" was used to describe a stopping or barrier that was used to separate or divide something, particularly in the context of anatomy or physiology. In Latin, the word "diaphragma" was derived from the Greek word "diafragma." In ancient Latin, the word "diaphragma" was used to describe a stopping or barrier that was used to separate or divide something, particularly in the context of anatomy or physiology. In Middle English, the word "diaphragma" was used to describe a stopping or barrier that was used to separate or divide something, particularly in the context of anatomy or physiology. It was often used to describe the muscle that separates the chest cavity from the abdominal cavity, particularly in the context of anatomy or physiology. Over time, the meaning of "diaphragm" evolved to include any device or structure that is used to separate or divide something, particularly in the context of optics or photography. It came to describe any device or structure that is used to separate or divide a light source or image into smaller parts, particularly in the context of optics or photography. Today, "diaphragm" is still used to describe any device or structure that is used to separate or divide something, particularly in the context of optics or photography. In summary, the word "diaphragm" originated in ancient Greek from the words "dia" meaning "through" or "across" and "phragma" meaning "a stopping." Its original meaning described a stopping or barrier that was used to separate or divide something, but its meaning evolved to include any device or structure that is used to separate or divide something, particularly in the context of optics or photography.


the layer of muscle between the lungs and the stomach, used especially to control breathing

lớp cơ giữa phổi và dạ dày, được sử dụng đặc biệt để kiểm soát hơi thở

a rubber or plastic device that a woman places inside her vagina before having sex to prevent sperm from entering the womb and making her pregnant

một thiết bị cao su hoặc nhựa mà người phụ nữ đặt vào âm đạo trước khi quan hệ tình dục để ngăn chặn tinh trùng xâm nhập vào tử cung và làm cô ấy mang thai

any thin piece of material used to separate the parts of a machine, etc.

bất kỳ mảnh vật liệu mỏng nào được sử dụng để tách các bộ phận của máy, v.v.

a thin disc used to turn electronic signals into sound and sound into electronic signals in phones, loudspeakers, etc.

đĩa mỏng dùng để biến tín hiệu điện tử thành âm thanh và âm thanh thành tín hiệu điện tử trong điện thoại, loa phóng thanh, v.v.

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