Definition of dialectical


biện chứng


The word "dialectical" has its roots in the Greek words "di" meaning "through" and "lexis" meaning "word" or "discourse". In the 16th century, the term "dialectica" referred to the art of conversation or dialogue, emphasizing the exchange of ideas between individuals. Over time, the term evolved to describe the process of reasoning and argumentation through the careful consideration of opposing viewpoints. In the 18th century, the philosopher Immanuel Kant popularized the term "dialectical" to describe his own method of critical thinking, which emphasized the role of conflict and opposition in the development of ideas. Today, the term is widely used in academic and philosophical contexts to describe a process of critical inquiry that engages with multiple perspectives and seeks to resolve contradictions and paradoxes through careful analysis and evaluation.


discovering the truth of ideas by discussion and logical argument and by considering ideas that are opposed to each other

khám phá ra sự thật của các ý tưởng thông qua thảo luận và lập luận logic và bằng cách xem xét các ý tưởng trái ngược nhau

  • dialectical materialism

    chủ nghĩa duy vật biện chứng

having two aspects that affect each other

có hai khía cạnh ảnh hưởng lẫn nhau

  • a contradictory dialectical process

    một quá trình biện chứng mâu thuẫn

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