Definition of derelict


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The word "derelict" has a rich history dating back to the 14th century. It originated from the Old French word "desrelie," which means "unbound" or "unleched." This phrase referred to something or someone that was no longer under the control or jurisdiction of a higher authority. Over time, the meaning of "derelict" evolved to describe something that was abandoned, neglected, or left in a state of disrepair. In the 17th century, the word took on a moral connotation, describing people who abandoned their duties, responsibilities, or moral obligations. Today, the word is used to describe a wide range of things, from abandoned buildings to neglected tasks, and continues to evoke a sense of neglect, abandonment, and responsibility.


not used or cared for and in bad condition

không được sử dụng hoặc chăm sóc và trong tình trạng xấu

  • derelict land/buildings/sites

    đất/tòa nhà/địa điểm bị bỏ hoang

  • The canal has been derelict for many years.

    Con kênh đã bị bỏ hoang nhiều năm.

  • The land lay derelict for ten years.

    Vùng đất bị bỏ hoang suốt mười năm.

  • a partially derelict mill

    một nhà máy bị bỏ hoang một phần

failing completely to do your duty or perform your obligations

không hoàn toàn thực hiện nghĩa vụ hoặc nghĩa vụ của mình

  • They have been grossly derelict in their duty.

    Họ đã hoàn toàn lơ là trong nhiệm vụ của mình.

  • She realizes that she's been derelict in her responsibilities as a mother.

    Cô nhận ra mình đã lơ là trách nhiệm làm mẹ.

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