Definition of deploy


triển khai


The word "deploy" has its roots in the Old French word "deployier," which means "to lay open" or "to unfold." This Old French word is derived from the Latin words "de" meaning "down" and "plicare" meaning "to fold." In Latin, the phrase "de-plicare" meant "to unfold" or "to lay open". In the 14th century, the English word "deploy" emerged, initially meaning "to unfold" or "to lay open" something, such as a map or a tent. Over time, the meaning of "deploy" expanded to include military contexts, where it referred to the act of deploying troops or equipment in the field. In modern usage, the word "deploy" can refer to a wide range of activities, including deploying computer software, deploying personnel in a mission, or deploying equipment in a particular location.


to move soldiers or weapons into a position where they are ready for military action

để di chuyển binh lính hoặc vũ khí vào vị trí mà họ đã sẵn sàng cho hành động quân sự

  • 2 000 troops were deployed in the area.

    2 000 quân đã được triển khai trong khu vực.

  • At least 5 000 missiles were deployed along the border.

    Ít nhất 5 000 tên lửa đã được triển khai dọc biên giới.

  • Tanks were deployed effectively during the long campaign.

    Xe tăng đã được triển khai hiệu quả trong suốt chiến dịch kéo dài.

to use something effectively

sử dụng cái gì đó một cách hiệu quả

  • to deploy arguments/resources

    để triển khai các đối số/tài nguyên

  • She rejected the arguments that had been deployed against her.

    Cô bác bỏ những lập luận đã được đưa ra để chống lại cô.

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