Definition of departed


ra đi


"Departed" comes from the past participle of the verb "depart," which itself comes from the Old French word "departir," meaning "to go away" or "to separate." The prefix "de-" indicates separation or movement away, and "partir" is related to the Latin word "partire," meaning "to divide" or "to share." Over time, "departed" evolved to specifically refer to someone who has died, reflecting the idea of their separation from the living.


dead. People say ‘departed’ to avoid saying ‘dead’

chết. Người ta nói ‘đã ra đi’ để tránh nói ‘đã chết’

  • your dear departed brother

    người anh trai đã mất thân yêu của bạn

the person who has died

người đã chết

  • According to the story, the spirit of the departed returns to inhabit his wife.

    Theo câu chuyện, linh hồn của người đã khuất quay trở lại nơi ở của vợ anh.

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