Definition of delinquent


phạm pháp


"Delinquent" originates from the Latin word "delinquir," meaning "to deviate from" or "to stray from the right path." It entered English in the 16th century and initially referred to someone who failed to fulfill a duty or obligation. The term later evolved to encompass individuals who committed crimes or engaged in behaviors considered socially unacceptable, becoming synonymous with "criminal" or "offender." Today, it's often used to describe those who fail to meet financial obligations or comply with legal requirements.


a young person who tends to commit crimes

một thanh niên có xu hướng phạm tội

  • teenage delinquents

    tội phạm vị thành niên

Related words and phrases

a person who has failed to pay money that is owed

một người đã không trả được số tiền còn nợ

  • credit delinquents

    nợ quá hạn

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