Definition of deal


phân phát, phân phối, sự giao dịch, thỏa thuận mua bán


Definition of undefined

Old English dǣlan ‘divide’, ‘participate’, of Germanic origin; related to Dutch deel and German Teil ‘part’ (noun), also to dole. The sense ‘divide’ gave rise to ‘distribute’, hence deal (sense 1 of the verb, deal sense 4 of the verb); the sense ‘participate’ gave rise to ‘have dealings with’, hence deal (sense 2 of the verb, deal sense 3 of the verb)


to give cards to each player in a game of cards

phát thẻ cho mỗi người chơi trong trò chơi bài

  • Whose turn is it to deal?

    Đến lượt ai giải quyết?

  • Start by dealing out ten cards to each player.

    Bắt đầu bằng việc chia 10 lá bài cho mỗi người chơi.

  • He dealt me two aces.

    Anh ấy chia cho tôi hai con át.


to buy and sell illegal drugs

để mua và bán ma túy bất hợp pháp

  • You can often see people dealing openly on the streets.

    Bạn thường có thể thấy mọi người giao dịch công khai trên đường phố.

  • He was sent to jail for dealing drugs to his friends.

    Anh ta bị tống vào tù vì buôn bán ma túy cho bạn bè.


deal somebody/something a blow | deal a blow to somebody/something
to shock somebody/something very much; to be very harmful to somebody/something
  • Her sudden death dealt a blow to the whole country.
  • to hit somebody/something
    deal with it
    used to tell somebody that they cannot change a situation so they must accept it
  • That's the way it is, so deal with it!
  • wheel and deal
    to do a lot of complicated deals in business or politics, often in a dishonest way