Definition of dead zone

dead zonenoun

vùng chết

/ˈded zəʊn//ˈded zəʊn/

The term "dead zone" originally referred to an area in naval warfare where the strong magnetic fields from nearby ships could interfere with the navigational equipment of other ships, making it difficult or impossible to determine their location. This area was known as a "magnetic dead zone." As marine research advanced, the term "dead zone" was also applied to areas in bodies of water where oxygen levels are so low that fish and other marine life cannot survive. These areas are often caused by excess nutrient pollution, which leads to an overgrowth of algae and bacteria that consume the oxygen in the water. The resulting "dead zones" can be hundreds of square miles in size and last for several weeks or even months. The increasing prevalence of these underwater dead zones, which now occur in numerous coastal areas around the world, has raised concerns about the ecological health of our oceans and the impact on local fishing industries and surrounding ecosystems.


a place or a period of time in which nothing happens

một địa điểm hoặc một khoảng thời gian mà không có gì xảy ra

  • The town is a cultural dead zone.

    Thị trấn này là vùng đất chết về văn hóa.

an area that separates two places, groups of people, etc.

khu vực ngăn cách hai địa điểm, nhóm người, v.v.

  • The UN is trying to maintain a dead zone between the warring groups.

    Liên Hợp Quốc đang cố gắng duy trì một vùng chết giữa các nhóm giao tranh.

a place where a mobile phone does not work because no signal can be received

một nơi mà điện thoại di động không hoạt động vì không thể nhận được tín hiệu

an area of water in which animals cannot live because there is not enough oxygen

một vùng nước mà động vật không thể sống được vì không có đủ oxy