Definition of darling


em yêu, anh yêu


Definition of undefined

The word "darling" has a rich history. It originated in the 14th century from the Old French word "darling," meaning "beloved" or "dearest." This, in turn, came from the Latin phrase "dearium," meaning "precious" or "skilled." Initially, the term was used to describe a person's most treasured or cherished thing. Over time, it evolved to express affection and endearment, particularly in the 17th century. The word gained popularity in the 19th century, especially in British English, as a term of endearment between romantic partners or close friends. Today, "darling" remains a charming and affectionate way to address someone, conveying warmth, fondness, and admiration.


a way of addressing somebody that you love

một cách xưng hô với ai đó mà bạn yêu quý

  • What's the matter, darling?

    Có chuyện gì thế, em yêu?

  • I love you too, my darling.

    Anh cũng yêu em, em yêu.

a person who is very friendly and kind

một người rất thân thiện và tốt bụng

  • You are a darling, Hugo.

    Anh thật đáng yêu, Hugo.

a person who is especially liked and very popular

một người đặc biệt thích và rất nổi tiếng

  • She is the darling of the newspapers and can do no wrong.

    Cô ấy là con cưng của các tờ báo và không thể làm gì sai.

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