Definition of dairy




The word "dairy" comes from the Old English word "daegre", which means "to nurse" or "to rear". In the 14th century, the term "dairy" referred to the process of nursing or rearing young animals, particularly cattle. This sense of nurturing and care is still reflected in the modern English word, which refers to a place where milk and other dairy products are obtained, produced, or processed. Over time, the meaning of the word "dairy" expanded to include the products themselves, such as milk, cheese, butter, and yogurt. Today, the term is widely used in industries, businesses, and everyday language to describe a wide range of dairy products and services. Despite its evolution, the core idea of nurturing and care remains at the heart of the word "dairy", emphasizing the importance of quality and freshness in the production and processing of dairy products.


milk, cheese and other milk products

sữa, pho mát và các sản phẩm từ sữa khác

  • The doctor told me to eat less red meat and dairy.

    Bác sĩ bảo tôi nên ăn ít thịt đỏ và sữa.

Related words and phrases

a place on a farm where milk is kept and where butter and cheese are made

một nơi trong trang trại nơi cất giữ sữa và nơi làm bơ và pho mát

a company that sells milk, cheese and other milk products

một công ty bán sữa, pho mát và các sản phẩm từ sữa khác

a small local shop

một cửa hàng địa phương nhỏ

  • I went to buy a paper at the corner dairy.

    Tôi đi mua báo ở góc phố sữa.