Definition of dada


ông nội


The origin of the word "Dada" is attributed to a chance encounter between two key figures of the Dada movement: Hugo Ball, a German poet, and Tristan Tzara, a Romanian-born French poet and artist. In May 1916, Ball and Tzara were meeting to discuss their writing and artistic endeavors. Ball, frustrated with the emptiness of the dominant Futurist and Constructivist movements, cried out "Dada!" which was the last word he had written in a book on mysticism. Tzara laughed, and the word stuck. As a spontaneous, anarchic, and irreverent movement, Dada was born, seeking to reject the cultural norms and establish a new art form that was absurd, playful, and anti-authoritarian.


an older brother or male cousin

một anh trai hoặc anh họ nam

used after the first name of an older man as a polite way of addressing him

được sử dụng sau tên của một người đàn ông lớn tuổi như một cách lịch sự để xưng hô với ông ấy

the father of your father

cha của cha bạn

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