Definition of dab




The word "dab" originated from the African American Vernacular English (AAVE) dialect, specifically in the 1990s. It referred to the act of stylishly touching one's hair, often involving a small amount of pomade or other styling product, to create a sleek and high-maintenance appearance. The term gained popularity in the early 2010s, particularly among young people and in urban communities, where it was used to describe not just the hairstyle, but also a sense of confidence and coolness. As the term spread, it also took on new meanings, such as "to do something expertly" or "to excel at something." Today, the word "dab" has become a global phenomenon, with the dabbing dance, popularized by NFL player Cam Newton in 2015, cementing its place in popular culture. Despite its origins in AAVE, the term "dab" has transcended linguistic and cultural boundaries to become a widely recognized and influential part of modern slang.


to touch something lightly, usually several times

chạm nhẹ vào cái gì đó, thường là vài lần

  • She dabbed her eyes and blew her nose.

    Cô ấy dụi mắt và xì mũi.

  • He dabbed at the cut with his handkerchief.

    Anh ấy lau vết cắt bằng chiếc khăn tay của mình.

to put something on a surface with quick light movements

đặt cái gì đó lên một bề mặt với những chuyển động nhẹ nhàng nhanh chóng

  • She dabbed a little perfume behind her ears.

    Cô chấm một ít nước hoa ra sau tai.

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