Definition of crotch




The word "crotch" has a fascinating history! It originates from Old English, where it was spelled "croc" or "crocch". The term referred to the crook or bend of a leg, particularly the joint where the thigh and leg meet. This sense of the word has been retained in modern English. Over time, the term took on a new meaning in the 15th century, specifically referring to the area between the legs, particularly a woman's genital area. This usage is thought to have arisen from the Old English phrase "wamcroc", which referred to the groin or genital area. Interestingly, the word "crotch" has undergone a semantic shift, from initially referencing a bodily joint to subsequently referring to a more sensitive and private area. Despite this, the original sense of the word remains, demonstrating the dynamic nature of language and its ability to evolve over time.


the part of the body where the legs join at the top, including the area around the genitals

phần cơ thể nơi hai chân nối nhau ở phía trên, bao gồm cả khu vực xung quanh bộ phận sinh dục

the part of a pair of trousers, etc. that covers the crotch

phần của một chiếc quần, v.v. che kín háng

  • There's a hole in the crotch.

    Có một cái lỗ ở háng.

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