Definition of cripple


làm tê liệt


The origin of the word "cripple" dates back to the 13th century. It comes from the Old French word "crippeler," which means "to twist" or "to crumple." This term was initially used to describe something that was bent or broken, like a piece of metal or a branch. Over time, the word "cripple" began to be used to describe a person who was physically disabled or had a limb that was injured or deformed. In the 17th century, the term "cripple" became synonymous with a person who was lame or had a limp. Today, the word "cripple" is still used to describe people with physical disabilities, especially those with mobility impairments. However, many people with disabilities prefer more inclusive and respectful language, such as "person with a disability" or "individual with a physical impairment."


to seriously damage or harm somebody/something

gây thiệt hại nghiêm trọng hoặc gây tổn hại cho ai/cái gì đó

  • The industry has been financially crippled by these policies.

    Ngành công nghiệp này đã bị tê liệt về mặt tài chính bởi những chính sách này.

  • Sugar producers have been crippled by plummeting prices.

    Các nhà sản xuất đường tê liệt vì giá giảm mạnh.

  • The pilot tried to land his crippled plane.

    Phi công đã cố gắng hạ cánh chiếc máy bay bị tê liệt của mình.

to damage somebody’s body so that they cannot walk or move well

làm tổn thương cơ thể của ai đó khiến họ không thể đi lại hoặc di chuyển tốt

  • He was crippled by polio as a child.

    Ông bị bệnh bại liệt khi còn nhỏ.

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