Definition of cramp


Chuột rút


The word "cramp" has its roots in Old English. It originates from the Proto-Germanic word "kramiz" and the Proto-Indo-European word "*krem-", both of which are thought to have meant "to twist" or "to bend". This implies that the term "cramp" initially referred to a twisted or bent shape. In Middle English (circa 1100-1500), the word "cramp" began to take on a new meaning. It started to describe spasms or contractions, often painful, of muscles or other body parts. This sense of the word may have been influenced by the idea of something twisting or bending, causing a sudden and unwelcome tension. Today, the medical term "cramp" refers to a sudden, involuntary contraction of a muscle or group of muscles, often accompanied by pain. Despite its evolution, the word "cramp" still retains its connection to twisting or bending, reflecting its ancestral roots.


a sudden pain that you get when the muscles in a particular part of your body contract, usually caused by cold or too much exercise

cơn đau đột ngột xảy ra khi các cơ ở một bộ phận cụ thể trên cơ thể co lại, thường do lạnh hoặc tập thể dục quá nhiều

  • to get cramp in your leg

    bị chuột rút ở chân

  • to get a cramp in your leg

    bị chuột rút ở chân

Extra examples:
  • I was beginning to get cramp in my leg.

    Tôi bắt đầu bị chuột rút ở chân.

  • I was suddenly seized by an attack of cramp.

    Tôi bất ngờ bị một cơn chuột rút tấn công.

  • She had a sudden painful cramp in her left leg.

    Cô đột ngột bị chuột rút đau đớn ở chân trái.

Related words and phrases

severe pain in the stomach

đau bụng dữ dội