Definition of conversation piece

conversation piecenoun

mẩu đối thoại

/ˌkɒnvəˈseɪʃn piːs//ˌkɑːnvərˈseɪʃn piːs/

The term "conversation piece" originally referred to a type of painting that depicted everyday objects and scenes, designed to encourage discussion and interaction among viewers. The phrase first appeared in the mid-18th century in England, where it was used to describe portraits that included props or other figures that invited chat and debate. Over time, the meaning of "conversation piece" expanded to include any object or artwork that provoked thought and discussion, whether in visual or literary form. Today, the term is still used to describe works of art and design that aim to spark dialogue and engagement.


an object that is talked about a lot because it is unusual

một vật được nói đến nhiều vì nó khác thường

a type of painting in which a group of people are shown in the countryside or in a home

một loại tranh trong đó một nhóm người được miêu tả ở vùng nông thôn hoặc trong một ngôi nhà