Definition of contributory


đóng góp


The word "contributory" originated in the late 17th century, derived from the Latin word "contribuere," which translates to "to bring together" or "to help by addition." In its original usage, the term "contributory" referred to a person or entity that provided assistance or support to a larger whole, such as a government or organization. For example, the word could be used to describe members of a cooperative who contributed money or resources to the group's common cause. Over time, the use of "contributory" also came to apply to systems or programs in which participants share in a cost or benefit. For example, today the term is commonly used to describe contributory pension or insurance plans, in which employees and employers pay into a fund that provides retirement benefits or coverage for health care expenses. In each of these instances, the use of the term "contributory" underscores the idea that multiple parties are working together to achieve a common goal, with each person or entity contributing something valuable to the overall result.


helping to cause something

giúp gây ra cái gì đó

  • Alcohol is a contributory factor in 10 per cent of all road accidents.

    Rượu là nguyên nhân gây ra 10 phần trăm số vụ tai nạn giao thông.

  • Smoking is a contributory cause of many diseases.

    Hút thuốc là nguyên nhân gây ra nhiều bệnh tật.

  • He was found guilty of contributory negligence (= that helped to cause an accident).

    Ông ta bị kết tội vô ý góp phần gây ra tai nạn.

involving payments from the people who will benefit

bao gồm các khoản thanh toán từ những người sẽ được hưởng lợi

  • a contributory pension scheme/plan (= paid for by both employers and employees)

    một chương trình/kế hoạch lương hưu đóng góp (= do cả người sử dụng lao động và người lao động chi trả)

  • contributory benefits (= ones that you make payments for)

    phúc lợi đóng góp (= phúc lợi mà bạn trả tiền)

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