Definition of contour




The word "contour" has its origins in the French language, where it is spelled "contour" and pronounced [kɔ̃ˈtuʁ]. The French term itself derives from the Latin "contūrus," which means "bent, curved, turned." In the context of geography and cartography, "contour" refers to the outline or shape of a particular elevation or terrain feature, as delineated by a line connecting points of equal altitude. This use of the term dates back to the early 19th century, when British surveyors began publishing maps displaying these contour lines to provide more precise and detailed information about the land. In art, sculpture, and design, "contour" refers to the outline or silhouette of an object, as delineated by the intersection of its surface with a plane perpendicular to the line of sight. This use of the term has been in use since the late 19th century, when French sculptor Auguste Rodin began emphasizing the contours of the human body in his work. In various other contexts, such as painting, cooking, and finance, "contour" has developed specialized meanings that reflect the unique characteristics of each field. However, at its root, the word denotes a distinct boundary or curvature that separates one thing from another.


the outer edges of something; the outline of its shape or form

các cạnh bên ngoài của một cái gì đó; phác thảo về hình dạng hoặc hình thức của nó

  • The road follows the natural contours of the coastline.

    Con đường đi theo đường viền tự nhiên của bờ biển.

  • She traced the contours of his face with her finger.

    Cô dùng ngón tay vẽ theo những đường nét trên khuôn mặt anh.

a line on a map that joins points that are the same height above sea level

một đường trên bản đồ nối các điểm có cùng độ cao so với mực nước biển

  • a contour map (= a map that includes these lines)

    bản đồ đường viền (= bản đồ bao gồm các đường này)

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