Definition of contention


sự tranh cãi


The word "contention" originates from the Old French word "conteneance," which translates to "presence" or "good behavior." It was used to describe the behavior exhibited by a person of high social status during social gatherings or in public positions. The modern meaning of "contention" as a dispute or competition stems from its Latin roots. In Latin, the word "contendere" translates to "oppose" or "dispute." The Old French borrowed this word and adapted it into "contener," which eventually transformed into the Middle English "contention." However, as the English language evolved, the meaning of "contention" shifted again. By the 14th century, it had become associated with both opposing views or actions, as well as contests or competitions between individuals or groups. Today, the word is commonly used in both of these contexts, but it originally derived from the meaning of "presence" and "good behavior" in social situations.


anger between people who disagree

sự tức giận giữa những người không đồng ý

  • One area of contention is the availability of nursery care.

    Một lĩnh vực gây tranh cãi là sự sẵn có của dịch vụ chăm sóc trẻ.

  • Privatization of the health service remains a point of contention.

    Tư nhân hóa dịch vụ y tế vẫn là một điểm gây tranh cãi.

  • There is no contention between the two groups.

    Không có sự tranh chấp giữa hai nhóm.

Related words and phrases

a belief or an opinion that you express, especially in an argument

một niềm tin hoặc một ý kiến ​​mà bạn thể hiện, đặc biệt là trong một cuộc tranh luận

  • It is our client's contention that the fire was an accident.

    Khách hàng của chúng tôi cho rằng vụ cháy là một tai nạn.

  • I would reject that contention.

    Tôi sẽ bác bỏ sự tranh chấp đó.

Extra examples:
  • Her main contention is that staff should get better training.

    Quan điểm chính của bà là nhân viên cần được đào tạo tốt hơn.

  • There is no evidence to support her contention.

    Không có bằng chứng nào hỗ trợ cho sự tranh chấp của cô ấy.

Related words and phrases


a bone of contention
a subject that causes people to disagree
  • Where to go on holiday is always a bone of contention in our family.
  • in contention (for something)
    with a chance of winning something
  • Only three teams are now in contention for the title.
  • out of contention (for something)
    without a chance of winning something
  • The Jaguars are now out of contention.
  • The Comets were eliminated from play-off contention.