Definition of constricted


bị hạn chế


"Constricted" comes from the Latin word "constringere," which means "to bind together tightly." This verb itself is formed from the prefix "con-" meaning "together" and the verb "stringere" meaning "to bind, tighten, or draw together." The journey from Latin to English is a direct one. The word "constrict" entered English around the 16th century and "constricted" followed closely. The connection to binding and tightening remains the core of the word's meaning.


tight or narrow

chặt chẽ hoặc hẹp

  • Her throat felt dry and constricted.

    Cổ họng cô khô rát và nghẹn lại.

limited in amount, extent, range, etc.

bị giới hạn về số lượng, mức độ, phạm vi, v.v.

  • a constricted vision of the world

    một tầm nhìn hạn chế về thế giới

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